- WHAT: the first “data-poietic” work of art + a workshop, open to students, designers, artists, makers, engineers, data-scientists, humanists to create the first concepts of “furniture and data-poietic objects” + a talk to talk about all of it together
- WHO: Sineglossa, the artistic duo AOS (Iaconesi/Persico); PlusValue ltd; the ICONA srl group, HER – Human Ecosystems Relazioni research center
- WHEN: from May 16th to May 19th 2019, Festival art+b=love(?)
- WHERE: Ancona (Italy), at the Mole Vanvitelliana
Data are no longer what it used to be.
They are no longer confined in statistics, and they are part of our contemporary everyday life, and they are shaping it.
It is precisely here – in this mutation which is cultural and anthropological before technical or technological – that art can have a revolutionary role by bringing data into the midst of society and allowing everyone to experience it, to the point of stimulating new economic, social, political opportunities and imagination.
This is the starting point of DataPoiesis. The project combines art and science, data and social innovation, uniqueness of Italian design and open source approaches with the world of business and start-ups, to give birth to new types of artistic and design objects. Connected to data sources, Datapoietic Objects come alive, allowing their owners to establish unprecedented relationships with major issues of our globalized world – such as poverty, energy, climate, migration.
“In the age of information and knowledge, the possibility of understanding and acting the world depends on the possibility of understanding and acting the enormous amounts of data that we generate, and on our ability to bring this understanding into the public space and the everyday life. This is crucial if today we want to deal – individually and as a society – with the great questions of the planet: environmental, economic, social, psychological ones. “
Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico, scientific and artistic directors of Datapoiesis
“Obiettivo” is the first data-poietic art production: a lamp that continuously emits light, and that will continue to do so until poverty in the world will end. The work will be unveiled as an absolute preview in the form of an exhibit during the art + b = love (?) Festival, and exhibited from 16 to 19 May at the Mole Vanvitelliana (Ancona, Italy).

The artistic object will inspire the conceptualization, prototyping and business modeling processes that, in the different phases of the project, will lead to the creation of an innovative startup capable of producing the first line of design of data-poietic objects and furniture.
Through radically open, transdisciplinary and accessible educational experiences, Datapoiesis will involve students, designers, artists, data-scientists, engineers, makers, humanists and technologists in the development of the project. The first workshop “Datapoiesis – Building Scenarios” will take place on May 18, again at the Mole Vanvitelliana: a whole day in which participants, guided by the artistic duo Iaconesi / Persico, will be challenged to create the first data-poietic concepts.
“The artwork Obiettivo and the workshop Building Scenarios are among the most interesting experiences presented this year during the festival. Raising awareness about the importance of contamination between disciplines to produce new, disruptive and achievable scenarios is why we have created art+b=love(?). With this Datapoiesis event, together with the others in the program, general publics and the business world will have the opportunity to live the experience of a Renaissance shop, where scientific and humanistic skills combine to produce new strategies for economic and social development”
Federico Bomba – director of Sineglossa and co-director of art+b=love(?) and Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, director of Exibart and co-director of art+b=love(?).
In the spirit that transversally animates the team, Datapoiesis is the symbol of a new “data-driven” Made in Italy, in which IoT – Internet of Things -, Big data and Artificial Intelligence can generate not only efficiency for the people and organisation, but also sense and poetry.
“With this project we want to confront the cultural and psychological challenge posed by data and artificial intelligence, giving back to Italy a leadership role in the innovation sector. In continuity with our history, we are doing it starting from art and design, and from Piedmont: the heart of the post-industrial transformation of the country”
Fiorenza Lipparini, research director of PlusValue.
After Ancona, Datapoiesis and Obiettivo will fly to Ivrea, to find a new house in the wonderful location of the former Olivetti Factories.
“Datapoiesis is intertwined with the urban regeneration process of the ICO Factories, recently named UNESCO cultural heritage. In October the artwork will be transported to Ivrea, becoming a permanent exhibit that will be open to the public during the International Fall School, in which we will deep dive into the prototyping and business modeling phases of the project . The former Olivetti Factories will be the home of the new startup that will emerge from this complex and innovative process, which aspires to reinterpret Industry 4.0 by addressing the enormous issues opened up by hyper-connection and the computational dimension of our culture. Starting from art, in full continuity with the Olivetti spirit, and with a look projected to the present and the future”.
Alberto and Elena Zambolin, two of the eighteen entrepreneurs of the ICONA srl group.

info & contacts
to stay informed about the project:
- Visite the official website: www.datapoiesis.com
- Follow us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Datapoiesis/
- Follow us on TW: https://twitter.com/datapoiesis
- Subscribe our newsletter
- Subscribe the workshop “Datapoiesis – Building Scenarios” (workshop will be held in Italian).
Datapoiesis is a project supported by Compagnia di San Paolo, through its program “ORA! Produzioni di cultura contemporanea”. Visit www.ora.compagniadisanpaolo.it to know more (in Italian).
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