Datapoietic adventure: the beginning

Datapoietic adventure: the beginning

[Ancona/Mole Vanvitelliana/Art+b=love? Festival – 16th-19th of May 2019] the exhibit Imagine. A seaside city. A narrow bridge. A small island with an ancient fortress. And in the fortress a dark-wet cellar. And in the cellar a red-flashing…thing. Its name is...
DataPoiesis: preview at art+b=love (?) Festival

DataPoiesis: preview at art+b=love (?) Festival

WHAT: the first “data-poietic” work of art + a workshop, open to students, designers, artists, makers, engineers, data-scientists, humanists to create the first concepts of “furniture and data-poietic objects” + a talk to talk about all of it...