Di Protoni e Dati
Di Protoni e Dati C Transforming Data into Sounds, to make radiation perceivable “Di Protoni e Dati” is a Science/Technology/Art collaboration in which the medical data about a protontherapy treatment is transformed into sounds to explore new forms of...
Data Meditations
Data Meditations The ancestral practice of meditation is re-mediated through data and computation, making them the gateway to unprecedented forms of self-awareness, relations, and empathy – practicable even in times of physical and social separation. Inspired by the...
A Song for Corona
A Song for Corona A data-driven generative music from the Corona Virus The project A Song For Corona is a data-driven melody that follows in real time the evolution of the covid-19 contagious, from the first days of the infection. It is coinceived to gather...