

U-DATInos a new Datapoietic artwork to develop a new sensibility towards the health of the Oreto river in Palermo, and the creation of new social roles and rituals in the city, empowered by data and computation “Udàtinos, from ancient greek υδάτινος: Aquatic....
Di Protoni e Dati

Di Protoni e Dati

Di Protoni e Dati C Transforming Data into Sounds, to make radiation perceivable “Di Protoni e Dati” is a Science/Technology/Art collaboration in which the medical data about a protontherapy treatment is transformed into sounds to explore new forms of...
Data Meditations

Data Meditations

Data Meditations The ancestral practice of meditation is re-mediated through data and computation, making them the gateway to unprecedented forms of self-awareness, relations, and empathy – practicable even in times of physical and social separation. Inspired by the...
A Song for Corona

A Song for Corona

A Song for Corona A data-driven generative music from the Corona Virus The project A Song For Corona is a data-driven melody that follows in real time the evolution of the covid-19 contagious, from the first days of the infection. It is coinceived to gather...
IAQOS – Intelligenza Artificiale di Quartiere Open Source

IAQOS – Intelligenza Artificiale di Quartiere Open Source

Artificial Intelligence IAQOSIntelligenza Artificiale di Quartiere Open Source NEW! Research paper out! S. Iaconesi, O. Persico (2021) When my child is AI. Learning and experiencing through AI outside the school: the experiences of a community AI. QTimes Journal of...